Get inspired by your shoes

Those who make a career out of interior design are always searching far and wide for home decorating ideas, whether it's in the pages of glossy magazines or in the depths of their own minds.

However, says the Paint Quality Institute, inspiration may not be as far away as you think.

In fact, it could be right under your nose.

If you are ever struggling with a bedroom design and simply can't come up with a colour palette that works, try checking out your shoes!

This tip comes from Debbie Zimmer, editor of the Paint Insights Newsletter, who says that your wardrobe and other property can give you a feel for the types of colours you gravitate toward.

Do you have a range of red shoes in a variety of shades? Then using some red paint in your bedroom could go down a treat!

If a bright and bold hue such as red is your colour of choice, you may want to use it sparingly or, as Share Design suggests, as a 'feature' colour.

This means using this shade of paint on areas such as borders to subtly tie the room together, rather than to cover all of its walls.

It is always important to pick colours that perfectly suit you and your home, rather than those that fit the current home decorating trends.

That's because trends are, by nature, transient; but your tastes in colour, your likes and dislikes are likely to stay the same for quite some time.

If you choose colours that you have – perhaps unknowingly – been choosing to surround yourself with for a long time, you are bound to feel happier and, more importantly, at home in your creation.

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