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Mini sandpit

It’s easy to create this mini sandpit with a little bit of Resene know-how.

Resene Toys and Games with Mark Rayner - Project 39

Difficulty level: Moderate

You will need

  • 90mm decking nails
  • 150mm x 40mm timber (approx 700mm)
  • Electric saw
  • Fence capping (approx 1.9m)
  • Hammer
  • Hand saw
  • Paintbrush

Mini sandpit in orange
An alternative colour option

Mini sandpit in blueMini sandpit in Resene Tomorrow

To get the look: Mark painted the background wall with Resene AquaShield tinted to Resene Dutch White.

Other ideas: For a vibrant orange effect paint the sandpit with Resene Lustacryl tinted to Resene Hi Jinx.

How to make a mini sandpit

Step 1 Step one
Measure, mark and cut the tongue and groove landscaping timber into two 700mm lengths and two 600mm lengths.
Step 2 Step two
Assemble to form a rectangular frame, as shown, fixing at each corner with 90mm decking nails.
Step 3 Step three
Measure, mark and cut the piece of 150mm x 40mm timber to fit along one edge to form a ledge seat, as shown, and fix into position with 90mm decking nails.
Step 4 Step four
Measure, mark and cut three lengths of fence capping to fit around the top edges of the sandpit.
Step 5 Step five
Using a hand saw, cut a little of the ‘groove’ from the back corners, as shown, to neatly accommodate the fence capping.
Step 6 Step six
Fit the pieces of fence capping into position, fixing with 90mm decking nails. Smooth any rough edges on the sandpit using sandpaper.
Step 7 Step seven
Apply one coat of Resene Quick Dry to the sandpit and allow to dry.
Step 8 Step eight
Apply two coats of Resene Lustacryl tinted to Resene Tomorrow to the sandpit, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.

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