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Stained floor

Transform an imperfect wooden floor into a stunning high-gloss feature using a combination of Resene products.

Ways with wood with Mark Rayner - Project 79

Difficulty level: Challenging

You will need: Clean and dry lint-free cloths, mineral turpentine, old paintbrush, paintbrushes, paint stirrer, Resene Colorwood tinted to Resene Deep Oak, Resene paint pot, Resene Qristal Clear polyurethane, rubber gloves, sandpaper, scraper, Sea 2 Sky coating remover, wooden floor (ours was previously part varnished).

To get the look: Mark painted the background wall panels with Resene Lustacryl tinted to Resene Sea Fog.

Other ideas: For a rich dark red effect, stain the floor with Resene Colorwood tinted to Resene Cherrywood.

Step 1 Step one
Following manufacturer’s instructions, apply a generous amount of coating remover to the varnished areas of the floor and leave until the varnish has softened.
Step 2 Step two
Use a scraper to remove the old varnish, scraping in the direction of the grain. Repeat, as necessary, until all the old varnish has been removed. Wash off any excess coating remover with a wet cloth and allow to dry.
Step 3 Step three
Sand the entire floor, paying particular attention to the previously varnished areas and wipe off any sanding residue with a damp cloth. Allow to dry.
Step 4 Step four
Carefully stir the Resene Colorwood with a paint stirrer.
Step 5 Step five
Completing a small area at a time, apply one coat of Resene Colorwood to the floor brushing in the direction of the grain. Allow stain to penetrate the wood and then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth. Allow to dry.
Step 6 Step six
Apply one coat of Resene Qristal Clear polyurethane to the floor and allow four hours to dry.
Step 7 Step seven
Apply two more coats of Resene Qristal Clear polyurethane to the floor, allowing four hours for each coat to dry.
Step 8 Step eight
Wash brush with mineral turpentine.

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