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Upcycle a wheelbarrow

Turn that rust bucket of a wheelbarrow into something flash, shiny and oh-so handy.

You will need: Old wheelbarrow, Spanner or screwdriver, as appropriate for your wheel barrow, Electric drill with wire-brush attachment, or a hand held wire brush and sandpaper, Soft cleaning brush, Soapy water, Medium-sized paintbrush, Stirrer, Resene Rust-Arrest anti-corrosive primer, Resene GP Metal Primer, Resene Enamacryl gloss waterborne enamel paint tinted to Resene Double Resolution Blue

Top tip: If you’d rather send your wheelbarrow into semi-retirement, why not plant it up with a bed of potted colour? Then you have a garden on the move to brighten up any garden dull spot, on a whim.

As seen in kiwigardener

Step 1 Step one
Remove the wheel and disassemble, as required.
Step 2 Step two
Using the electric drill with wirebrush attachment, remove any loose debris or flaking paint, then lightly roughen or sand any painted surface.
Step 3 Step three
Clean the barrow and wheel with soapy water and a soft brush. Rinse, then leave to dry.
Step 4 Step four
Stir the Resene Rust-Arrest anti-corrosive primer. Spot prime any rusty spots on the barrow. Allow to dry as per the recommendation on the paint can.
Step 5 Step five
Stir the Resene GP Metal Primer. Paint the barrow and parts with one coat of primer. Allow to dry as per the recommendation on the paint can.
Step 6 Step six
Stir the Resene Enamacryl gloss waterborne enamel paint. Apply two coats to the barrow and parts, allowing two hours between each coat.
Step 7 Step seven
Once the final coat of Resene Enamacryl is dry, reassemble the wheelbarrow and be proud of the new lease of life you have given your tool.

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