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Herb hanger

This stylish space-saving herb hanger can be easily made with timber, sisal rope and terracotta pots. It’s an ideal addition to your barbecue area!

Herb wall hanger

You will need:

  • 25mm x 50mm timber (approx. 660mm)
  • 1800mm of timber planking (ours measured approx. 210mm x 25mm)
  • 50mm exterior screws
  • Electric drill with 3mm drill bit
  • Exterior PVA glue
  • Galvanised staples
  • Hammer
  • Hole cutter with diameter of 125mm
  • Paint stirrer

To get the look: Mark painted the background shed wall with Resene Lumbersider tinted to Resene Pipi.

Other options: If you don’t have timber planking to the dimensions listed, simply substitute with lengths of fence paling, reducing the diameter of the holes and size of the pots accordingly.

More ideas: You could also use the hanger to grow strawberries, trailing annuals or even small succulents.

As seen in kiwigardener

Step 1 Step one
Measure and mark three 600mm lengths on the 1800mm timber planking.
Step 2 Step two
Use the back of the saw to rule 90 degree cutting lines and cut to size.
Step 3 Step three
Carefully cut three evenly spaced 125mm diameter holes in each piece of timber to form the shelves of the hanger.
Step 4 Step four
Measure, mark and cut two 210mm lengths and two 120mm lengths of the 25mm x 50mm timber.
Step 5 Step five
Smooth any rough edges on all the pieces of cut timber using sandpaper.
Step 6 Step six
Fix the pieces of 25mm x 50mm timber together to form the hanging brackets, as shown, using 50mm screws and PVA glue.
Drill pilot holes first to prevent the wood from splitting. Allow glue to dry.
Step 7 Step seven
Carefully stir the Resene Waterborne Woodsman tinted to Resene Bleached Riverstone.
Step 8 Step eight
Apply two coats of Resene Waterborne Woodsman tinted to Resene Bleached Riverstone to the shelves, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 9 Step nine
Apply two coats of Resene waterborne woodsman tinted to Resene Bleached Riverstone to the brackets, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 10 Step ten
Measure, mark and cut four 750mm lengths of sisal rope and fix at each corner of the shelves using galvanised staples, as shown. ensure the shelves are approximately 250mm apart.
Step 11 Step eleven
In the same way, fix the top ends of the sisal rope to the hanging brackets, as shown.
Step 12 Step twelve
Seal any cut ends of the sisal rope with PVA glue and allow to dry.
Step 13 Step thirteen
Seal the inside and outside of each pot with Resene Terracotta Sealer and allow to dry.
Step 14 Step fourteen
Apply two coats of Resene Peace to the outside and inner rim of each pot, allowing each coat two hours to dry.
Attach the hanger to an wall To complete the look: Attach the plant hanger to a wooden fence or shed wall with 50mm screws and plant up the pots with your favourite herbs.

Words and photos by Mark Rayner

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