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coating guarantees

Architect's memo 40: September 1984

When a brand new product is released onto the market, claiming to be the panacea of all coating ills, the would be specifier is often faced with a dilemma. If the claims of the new product appear to be the answer to a long-standing problem, then there will be a strong desire on the part of the specifier to use it. If it is a particularly thorny problem that the new product addresses, there can arise a strong desire in specifiers that it will work, and an even stronger impetus to give it a go.

On the other side of the coin, there is a strong conservative streak in most of us, and most of the things we do are based on things we have done successfully in the past. This is particularly true when specifying coatings, and often historically dated materials can be specified because of successful past experience.

The dilemma of wanting to use a new product without having personal knowledge of the product is often solved by the specifier demanding a performance guarantee for the new material. Performance guarantees can vary widely in both terms and liability, and there often seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of gilt on the guarantee certificate and its actual value.

Resene has deliberately steered clear of such guarantees relying on successful product histories built up over the years. We have realised however, that where we aim to introduce new technologies onto major projects, something additional to our clients' faith in us may be required. To this end, we have introduced performance guarantees on certain products, most notably Resene X-200.

The guarantee states that Resene guarantees Resene X-200 will waterproof surfaces to which it is applied for ten years, and if it doesn't, Resene will not only supply new material but also pay to have it applied. Such an unequivocal guarantee must naturally carry caveats with regards to application, previously applied coatings, consequential damage, and external damage, all of which are clearly stated in the document.

There are however, two conditions which are not stated, which we take this opportunity to bring to your attention.

Firstly the price of the Resene X-200 coating contract must be over a minimum value. This is simply a bar to every do-it-yourselfer demanding a guarantee for every garage wall or chicken house they decide to coat. The second condition is that any job requiring a guarantee must be inspected before coating by a Resene representative. A number specification is then drawn up specific to the job, signed by the representative doing the initial inspection, and countersigned by our technical director.

Only on the satisfactory completion of the job within the terms of the specification, will the guarantee be issued. A guarantee cannot be issued if at the completion of a job, a contractor or specifier approaches Resene saying, "Look, I've just done a Resene X-200 job, can I have a guarantee?" Resene believes that the guarantee it issues for Resene X-200 is the best protection offered by the industry and its value can only be maintained by adhering to the protocol.

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