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Thinner flashpoints

From the Resene One-Line Specification Manual

Thinner Uses Flashpoint °C
Mineral turps Resene Mica Bond 38
No.3A Resene ArmourZinc 125 10
No.4 Resene Vinyl Etch 10
No.5 Resene Armourcote 608
Resene Steel Fab
No.6 Resene Alumastic
Resene Armourchlor HB-F and AM-ZP Series (spray application)
Resene Armourcote 210 and 510
Resene ArmourZinc 110 (spray application)
Resene Imperite I.F. 503
Resene Swimming Pool Paint (spray application)
No.7A Resene Armourchlor HB-P
Resene Polymeric AV-8
Resene Uracryl 400 Series (spray application)
No.8 Resene Armourcote 221
Resene Uracryl 400 Series (brush/roller application)
No.9 Resene Zincilate 10 and 11 29
No.10 Resene Rust-Arrest (brush/roller application)
Slow Retarder
No.11 Medium Retarder
Resene Armourchlor Series (brush/roller application)
Resene Armourcote 515 (application above 35 ̊C or over zinc rich primers)
Resene ArmourZinc 110 (brush/roller application)
Resene Steel Fab
Resene Swimming Pool Paint (brush/roller application)
No.12 Resene Armourcote 220, 512 and 515
Resene ArmourZinc 120
Resene Universal Cleaner
Resene Rust-Arrest (spray application)
No.13 Resene Imperite 413 4
No.15 Resene ArmourCat 800, 805, 822, 823, 842, 843 4
No.16 Resene ArmourCat 810 Metallics Effects 4

Resene One-Line Specifications and Data Sheets
Resene offers clear and simple paint specification guidelines, designed to make specifying the right paint system easier. If in doubt about any aspect of your specification please contact Resene.

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