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It's all about attitude


MindAlive nurtures attitude and state of mind to assist students aged over seven to understand the value of learning and gain a thirst for knowledge and skills.

In a departure from a facts and figures based teaching regime, MindAlive nurtures attitude and state of mind to assist students aged over seven to understand the value of learning and gain a thirst for knowledge and skills. Incorporating a range of subjects from which students may select 3-6 tutorials, art is a compulsory element in every student's program. Keen to stimulate artistry, MindAlive buy literally thousands and thousands of litres of Resene Lumbersider in a myriad of colours that students determinedly convert into amazing works of art. The level of skill illustrates the dedication of students working for their own goals rather than externally imposed ones. A taste of the creative works are viewable online in the MindAlive gallery at See for yourself the depth of skill that lies within.


From the Resene News – issue 4/2003

Resene case studies/awards project gallery

View case studies that have used Resene products including many from our Resene Total Colour Awards. We hope these projects provide inspiration for decorating projects of your own...view projects

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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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