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Krkoska has always had an ability and passion to paint and draw, and trained in Fine Arts at Charles Sturt University Australia.

Compositions from life situations inspire thoughts and impressions into a dynamic expressionistic forms. Inspiration comes from life experiences; light, colour effects and energised scenes, and night city scenes where colour and form take on new meanings.

Krkoska finds Resene paints in testpots are affordable and reliable vibrant colours that are quality, long-lasting on the canvas and he can select known colours with freedom to work with variation in mixes on the palette. Resene testpots in a variety of neutral colours as well as strong colour pigments, provide many options to suit what is needed for each project.

All work is signed as Krkoska, Peter's original name of Czecheslovakian origins.

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A wide range of artists are using Resene paints in their work, on everything from interior paintings to tactile artworks and mural masterpieces. We invite you to exhibit your work to Resene's online art gallery for free...

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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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