Category Archives: Paint

How can painting your home be relaxing?

For many, the task of painting a new room can be quite dull. After all, people don't watch paint dry for fun, now do they? But we think just the opposite – watching paint can, in fact, be fun.

Picking out paint is a chance to invite a little bit of freshness into your home, and as long as you take your time, you can find the process quite relaxing. 

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What does your bedroom colour say about your personality?

We all have power colours that we tend to gravitate toward. These colours work their way into things like our wardrobe, our car choices and the way we decorate our homes. But that makes us wonder, what do these colours mean? Surely they must have some deep psychological meaning about our personalities? 

Wonder no more, because as it turns out, the colours we choose to surround ourselves with are indeed indicative of our true selves. And what's the one place where we can truly be ourselves at home? The bedroom, of course! This is your personal sanctuary to be the real you without the worry of embarrassing yourself. 

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What does the colour of your front door say about you?

When you were deciding to paint your front door, did you spend hours poring over the decision, or did you just pick the first colour that looked nice and matched your trim? Well, actually, you may not have just been selecting a colour – you were actually picking your personality!

The psychology behind the colours we choose to incorporate into our lives can be reflective of our natural character. That being said, what do you think a black door has to say about your decision? Do you think it evokes a warm welcome, or does it give you a less desirable curb appeal? Don't worry, that answer – and more – is revealed below:

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How to use plants to help your interior look green and stay clean

In most interior settings, it's important to get an inflow of fresh air. Whether it is a restaurant, your home or an office, fresh air is needed for optimum brain functioning and upkeep of general wellbeing. It's the oxygen in the air that we require to live, and an insufficient percentage in the air we breathe will lead to a mental decline in any sort of work we do.

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Japanese-inspired home design

Clean wooden floors, smooth bamboo furniture and a harmonised space – these are all vital essentials of a Japanese-inspired home design.

To replicate Japanese style in your home, you need to understand the concepts that make it so unique. It's a blend of simplicity with natural elements, all carefully selected and constructed together in a balance that promotes peacefulness and tranquillity within a home's interior design. We've compiled a guide to help you draw inspiration from these concepts to be able to easily use them in your own abode.

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3 new ways to use old paint

Using every last drop of your paint cans is about as rare as finishing the shampoo and conditioner at the exact same time. That's why many households have a few old tins of paint tucked away in the garage.

Instead of letting them gather dust, here are a few ways to use up that old paint!

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Innovative uses for ordinary household items

As a crafty homeowner, you'll pride yourself on your DIY skills. It's a good icebreaker for family and friends visiting your home, to be able to tell them about your interior design and show them your home projects, whether that be a beautifully painted mural wall or even just simplistic but stylish decorating.

Items used in a innovative manner can really get your guests admiring and shaking their heads – finding extremely creative uses for ordinary household items that give your home a rustic, homely but contemporary feel.

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How to make pack-up time fun with your kids

It's great to nurture a child's imaginative and inquisitive mind with educational and stimulating toys, but let's face it, it often turns into tantrums and tears when play time comes to an end.

But if you make it fun, then it doesn't have to be the case.

Kids love to help out with small tasks that make them feel important and involved. We have many paint products for you to DIY a playroom to help make that time of cleaning up all the merrier for both you and your young ones. 

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How to make a small kitchen appear larger with Resene paints

A kitchen is a place of congregation for the family. It's where healthy, wholesome meals are made and if you have an open kitchen plan, it'll be where everyone gathers around at dinner time to bond and relax after their day. As a kitchen holds food, a basic human necessity, it symbolises a place of comfort and dependence.

However, a small kitchen can foster less than enthusiastic connotations, especially if it is situated in a separate room. Luckily, though, if you are clever with your Resene paint colour choices and design ideas, you can liven up your kitchen and make it appear more spacious than it is.

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How to incorporate Pantone’s 2016 Colours of the Year with Resene

For the first time ever, Pantone has chosen a duo-blend of two colours as the 2016 Colour of the Year. What's hot right now, is Rose Quartz, a soft blush of pink, and Serenity, a periwinkle pale blue.

Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute, explains that it's an "inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose and the cooler tranquil blue".

While this may just look like a pastel hue of blue or pink, the colours were also chosen partly due to the blurring of gender associations of certain shades. These colours have also been very specifically selected, with Rose Quartz reflecting a slight tinge of peach tones while Serenity just edges on the border close to purple.

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