To view more of this project see "ways with wallpaper"
The joys of travelling the world, from soaking in the sunshine at sandy beaches on distant shores to walking through ancient temples and forts, make memories to last a lifetime. We buy souvenirs and take hundreds of photographs on our trips away, so that we have a lovely, constant reminder of the places we saw and the experiences we shared.
Luckily, there are many ways you can decorate your bedroom so that even the months in-between your trips can feel like an exotic getaway!
Make your feature wall a world map by using wallpaper such as Resene Passport. The vintage, nautical theme will look great with printed photographs, airplane tickets, post cards or Polaroid pictures of the places you have been.
Add these using Blu Tack® or other removable adhesives to make it a living memory wall. If you want to stick to the vintage look of the wallpaper, you can rub some damp tea bags over the backs of postcards and glue on some old stamps before you add them to the wall.
Stack up a pile of old suitcases, arranged so the smallest sits at the top in a pyramid format. Paint the bottom ones in Resene Double Sea Fog and the higher ones in Resene Ditto to create a subtle, natural ombre effect as the suitcases rise.
Place some photo frames of your favourite travel memories on these globe-trotter inspired bedside tables. You can also add a vase of fresh flowers to complement the neutral white tones of the painted suitcases, making your time at home a relaxing R&R period before you jet off again!
Paint an area of the room using Resene FX Write-on Wall Paint to work like a constant planning space for noting down travel budgets, next destination goals, cheap flight deals or notes to yourself about your upcoming escapades – especially information that needs to be a regular reminder such as applying for travel insurance or visas.
Many craft shops and dollar stores sell white paper lanterns shaped like spheres. Sometimes they already come with LED lights inside, powered by batteries and hung in a chain. Other times, you can make your own DIY lantern chain by joining a row together with twine and stringing through some small lights from any hardware store.
Before you hang it up, use sponges to paint each sphere in blue and green so it looks like a miniature planet Earth. Hang it along your curtain rod so the room has a pretty glow even in the evenings when they are drawn shut.
Place your passport face-down on the scanner, open to pages of stamps from places that really meant a lot to you. Using a high-resolution setting of over 300 dpi, scan through onto the computer and then print onto A4 paper, or alternatively take the project to a photo printing store for other sizes.
Frame your prints and hang them side by side on the walls like a custom art gallery exhibition, only you and your adventures around the planet are the subjects on display! You can mix and match frame sizes to hang in a salon-style, or make them all identically sized so that they look neat and contemporary. Paint the frames too, if you like!
If you want a travel theme living area too, check out these ideas!
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May 01, 2015
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