b'Resene arches de triomphe ZigguratAlongwiththeArtDeco-revivaltrendhascomean insatiableappetiteforarches.Arch-shapedaccessories and furniture abound in home dcor shops, but its arch-shaped painted wall designs and headboards that have become a style staple across social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok.Arches are much easier to paint than they appear. First, mark the top curve of your design on to your wall. Use a pencil attached to a string and drawing pin to create a perfect curve. Next, use a level and painters tape to mask your straight vertical lines. For the cleanest lines, use high quality painters washi style masking tape, available from your local Resene ColorShop, and ensure you press it down firmly when you apply it. Then, use a wide angled high quality paint brushone with lots of soft bristlesto paint your curve, feathering in the bottom edges of your strokes so that you dont end up with a hard line. Next, use a roller to finish painting the remainder of your arch colour. Once your first coat of paint has dried, apply your second coat in the same manner and remove your tape once your topcoat is dry to the touch. If any of your pencil marks remain visible, remove them with a white rubber eraser once your paint has completely dried.Right: Wall in Resene Sorrento with arches and floor in Resene Zumthor, side table in ReseneReseneZiggurat, vase in Resene Nero and lidded dishSorrentoin Resene Black White. Sofa, chair and rug from Good Form, cushion from Citt.ReseneReseneResene Black White Zumthor Nero48|'