A calming interior inspired by the elegant aesthetic of NZ fashion brand Marle, with a focus on natural fibres and fabrics and a palette that echoes Marles coastal surroundings.
Lounge detail – Wall in Resene Thorndon Cream. Lundi vase by Ligne Roset available at Domo. Bernard Collared Vase from Citta. 200 Women book, vintage jug and large shell, all stylist’s own.
Lounge – Wall in Resene Thorndon Cream and floor in wood stain Resene Rock Salt. Deep Frame Mirror from Mood. Malawi Double Cane Chair, Iggy cushion cover, Heavy Linen cushion cover, Wool Blend rug in Nutmeg, Moon lamp in blush, Bernard Collared Vase (on sideboard), all from Citta. Flowers and Queen art print by George Sand Studio from Endemic World. Aspen sideboard in Smoked Oak from King Living. On sideboard Esclave stone bust from World. Lundi vase by Ligne Roset available at Domo. Vintage jug, 200 Women book and Toi Toi, stylist’s own. Bernard Collared Vase from Citta. Aphrodite Sandles from Marle.
Bedroom – Wall in Resene Peace and floor in wood stain Resene Rock Salt. Artek Kiila Coat Stand from Citta. Ophelia dress from Marle. Salt Lake 2 photographic print by Petra Leary from Endemic World. AB Pendant Light from Citta. Miunn Chair by Lapalma from Ecc. La Promeneuse diffuser by Trudon from World. Aesop handcream from Simon James Design. 200 Woman book, stylist’s own. Elm wood antique round stool from Citta. Tank Vase by Tom Dixon from Simon James Design. Moroccan Shopper bag from Citta. Makalu Feather 200cm x 300cm Rug, Cove Oak plywood headboard and Flat Timber Bed Base, Linen Duvet cover and pillow sets in moss and terracotta, all from Mood. Washed woven bolster cushion in chestnut, Sove Chambray linen quilted blanket and Maggie checked cushion, all from Citta.
Room with chair – Wall in Resene Peace and floor in wood stain Resene Rock Salt. Moroccan Shopper bag from Citta. Miunn Chair by Lapalma from Ecc. Mandarin II Original painting by Sandy Xu from Endemic World. Edo Scarf and Nonn hat in Ivory from Marle.
Bottles – Wall in Resene Peace. Elm wood antique round stool from Citta. Vintage Amber glass bottles from World. Artek Kiila Coat Stand from Citta. Ophelia dress from Marle.
Dress – Wall in Resene Peace. Artek Kiila Coat Stand from Citta. Ophelia dress from Marle. Salt Lake 2 photographic print by Petra Leary from Endemic World.
Coffee table – Dedon Tibbo coffee table in stock now at Domo. Small Echasse Vase by Menu from Simon James Design. Vintage cups and shell, stylist’s own.
Art Direction and Styling by Amber Armitage. Photography by Wendy Fenwick/Flash Studios. 2021.
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Wes Anderson
Lounge in Art Nouveau style with two toned wall.
Dining together, from morning through to evening.