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Magic in every pot

The all white colour scheme of Resene Rice Cake gives the rooms a soothing, fresh and bright feeling of spaceThis is the Johnston family’s work in progress. A 1912 Victorian villa desperately in need of TLC.

Their original plan was to tidy up the house to sell it and build a new home, but they have ‘fallen back in love’ with their home of 8 years and have decided to stay there and continue enjoying the ambience of native timbers and high ceilings and a beautiful quarter acre section. 'These homes are our heritage and need to be preserved' says Jennie.

Jennie gave up her job in October and has spent the time since working on repairing and repainting their villa inside and out, and landscaping the gardens as well as the usual household chores and taking care of a supportive husband and a bubbly four year old boy. She still has a list of jobs to complete as long as her arm but it’s all worthwhile. As Jennie’s father commented "you’ve given the old lady back her dignity".

Jennie says "Resene paints have been a godsend. I get a thrill each time I open a pot of paint to put on the top coats as I know I’m going to get an exceptional finish. I think Resene puts a little bit of magic in every pot!"


Thanks to the Johnston family.



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