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warm colours that wow

From Habitat magazine - issue 31, my favourite colours

Amy Moore fills us in on what ‘Team Gizzy’ has been up to since being crowned champion of The Block NZ: On Point in 2018.

Amy Moore
On the wall behind Amy is Resene Wallpaper Collection SMIL69824203.

Amy Moore now not only provides interior decorating services through her company, Amy & Co, but she has also recently launched a business called Roam Getaways, which takes groups of women on luxury getaways that include bespoke shopping trips to explore homewares abroad.

What has changed in your life since being on The Block NZ?

Stu and my lives have changed a lot since being on the show – especially mine. I have been able to pursue a career in interior decorating, which I would have never had the courage to do without having been on the show. Getting recognised everywhere you go is also something that still feels pretty weird.

Would you do anything differently if you had the chance to do last year’s competition over again?

We wouldn’t have changed anything. Not everything went to plan, but I think it takes making a mistake to figure out that you can do it better next time.

What apartment do you wish you could have had a go at in the firehouse?

Definitely Apartment 1. It’s the biggest by far and it essentially ‘is’ the old firehouse. I also think having that road frontage is really unique.

How would you describe your design style now? Do you feel it evolved after doing the show?

I think I have always had a fairly eclectic style. I love colour, texture and layers. Giving a room soul is really important in my philosophy. The minimalist vibe is probably not my speciality.

What colours are you most drawn to using?

Warm colours! I am very rarely drawn to blues and greys. I love yellows, oranges and pinks and if there is a way of using them all together then even better!

Aside from launching your interior decorating business, Amy & Co, what else have you been up to?

I have just launched my second business with a friend of mine called Roam Getaways, where we take groups of woman on luxury getaways that include bespoke shopping trips to explore homewares abroad.

What are your favourite Resene colours and why?

I love the Resene colour range and if I’m given any excuse to throw a few colours around, I’m in! To add a real ‘wow’, there are a few colours that I am drawn to, like Resene Big Bang, Resene I Dare You and Resene Japanese Laurel. We used Resene Tuft Bush in our kid’s bedroom on The Block NZ, which I also loved.

I think if you are brave enough to use colour, USE IT – or, get someone who is to help you. It can make such an impact! For more information on Amy’s new business venture, visit

Resene I Dare You

Images: NEXT magazine/Bauer syndication


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