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diy kids quiz

From Habitat magazine - issue 03

Can you answer these questions?

Diy kids logo

  1. What word do we use to describe a very shiny enamel.
  2. Paint is often applied in several layers - first the primer then_____ and lastly the topcoat.
  3. What do we use to smooth out any rough spots in wood before we paint it?.
  4. If you mix equal quantities of blue paint and yellow paint, what colour paint do you end up with?
  5. What is the clear protective coating we sometimes paint on wood when we don't want to paint it a particular colour?
  6. You must allow one coat of paint to ______ before applying the next one.
  7. Is a pastel colour a light colour or a dark colour?
  8. A wall in a room that is painted a different colour from the other three is called a _______ wall.

Word find puzzle
Word finder

Find these words hidden in the grid:

Colour scheme,
Drying time,

Marble Run


White sheet of A4 paper, Baking tin, Swiss roll size, Paint (we used: Resene Chaos, Resene Rubber Ducky, Resene Tutti Fruity, Resene Bubblegum), ice block sticks, Marbles


1. Place sheet of paper into bottom of tray and then use ice-block sticks to drop a generous blob of each colour onto paper at one end.
2. Carefully place marbles onto paint.
3. Start gently tipping tray from side to side and backwards and forwards, and marbles should start to roll - if they stick, give them a helping hand.
4. When you’ve finished, carefully remove marbles and leave paper to dry.

Marble Run tips

Using more marbles will give you a different finish.
Try cutting a shape out of the paper once the paint has dried.

Make marble art

Colour in


1 Gloss
2 Undercoat
3 Sandpaper
4 Green
5 Polyurethane
6 Dry
7 Light colour
8 Feature

words: Henrietta Vaughan
pictures: Lucent*Media

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Printed copies of habitat highlights are available from late March 2024 at Resene ColorShops and resellers, while stocks last. You can view back issues of habitat magazine online.

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