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Shoo fly

From the Resene product range, Optimising additives - Resene Fly Deterrent

Musca domestica, the housefly, is a well known cosmopolitan pest responsible for transporting disease carrying organisms and damaging surfaces.

Resene Fly Deterrent

When resting, adults regurgitate a liquid that results in spots on the surface combined with other darker spots, both of which can be difficult to remove without damaging the paint surface.

Resene has found a way to resolve the unwanted fly spot nuisance through a novel approach – create a surface that flies don’t like sitting on and you’ll minimise the appearance of fly spots. Much like an insect repellent, Resene Fly Deterrent discourages flies from sitting on painted surfaces but will not harm or kill them.

Extensive testing by an accredited laboratory has shown significant reductions in the number and size of fly spots compared to standard paint systems. Resene Fly Deterrent material is available as an additive for Resene decorative waterborne paints so you can combine your favourite Resene paint with Resene Fly Deterrent and keep your painted areas looking good for longer.

Resene Fly Deterrent formula

Resene Fly Deterrent works best indoors in dry areas and is ideal for separate toilet areas, lounges, bedrooms etc and in commercial projects in ‘dry’ areas. In wet or steamy areas the fly deterrent effect will wear off faster. Cleaning of the painted area will also reduce the fly deterrent effect. Because of this it is generally not recommended for bathrooms.

If the fly deterrent effect wears off, it can be renewed by painting on one coat of your chosen Resene waterborne topcoat dosed with Resene Fly Deterrent.

Ask your Resene ColorShop staff for more information and keep your paintwork looking good for longer.

Choose to use Resene Environmental Choice products when you repaint and minimise the effects of your decorating on the environment. Look for the Environmental Choice tick on Resene packaging.

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