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Two-in-one succulent planter

Mark Rayner creates a succulent planter that’s suitable as either a wall display or a table decoration.

Mounted as a vertical display, it is perfect for adding interest to a wall or fence. Background wall painted with Resene Lumbersider tinted to Resene Chilean Fire.

You will need: 40mm jolt head galvanised nails, 19mm flat head galvanised nails, approx 3m of treated timber, such as picket or decking, 6mm treated plywood, chicken wire, hammer, mitre box, paintbrush, pencil, potting mix, exterior PVA glue, paint stirrer, Resene Waterborne Woodsman tinted to Resene Pickled Bluewood, sandpaper, saw, scissors, small galvanised staples, small succulents such as echeverias or small sedums, tape measure, tin snips or similar and weed mat.

As seen in kiwigardener

Step 1 how to make a succulent planter

Step 1
Measure, mark and cut four pieces of picket to form a square box frame measuring 300mm x 300mm. Smooth any rough edges with sandpaper.

Step 2 how to make a succulent planter

Step 2
Assemble to form the box frame, fixing at each corner with PVA glue and jolt head galvanised nails.

Step 3 how to make a succulent planter

Step 3
Measure, mark and cut a piece of plywood to fit the back of the box frame. Sand any rough edges and fix to the frame with PVA glue and flat head galvanised nails.

Step 4 how to make a succulent planter

Step 4
Measure, mark and cut four pieces of picket to form the front frame of the planter box, using the mitre box to ensure ends are at 45 degrees. Smooth any rough edges with sandpaper.

Step 5 how to make a succulent planter

Step 5
Carefully assemble the four pieces of wood to form the front frame, fixing at each corner with jolt head nails and PVA glue. Allow glue to dry.

Step 6 how to make a succulent planter

Step 6
Fill the box frame with potting mix and lightly compact.

Step 7 how to make a succulent planter

Step 7
Measure, mark and cut a piece of weed mat to fit over the box frame, fixing along each edge with jolt head nails. Attach a piece of chicken wire over this with galvanised staples, as shown. Trim off any excess chicken wire.

Step 8 how to make a succulent planter

Step 8
Fit the front frame to the box, as shown, using jolt head nails.

Step 9 how to make a succulent planter

Step 9
Carefully stir the Resene Waterborne Woodsman. Apply two coats to the wooden planter, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.

Step 10 how to make a succulent planter

Step 10
Snip small holes through the weed mat and carefully plant the small succulents through these holes.

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