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Make a sustainable choice with Resene

Resene has an extensive range of Eco Choice approved paints that have been independently verified, including no added VOCs and an extensive range of low VOC products.

Once you have finished decorating, return your unwanted paint and paint packaging to the Resene PaintWise recycling and product stewardship programme and let us take care of them for you. Or if you prefer to get someone else to do the work for you, you can hire a Resene Eco.Decorator. Resene Eco.Decorators are a nationwide network of environmentally responsible, quality focussed painting contractors so you can hire them to complete your decorating projects with the confidence that the contractor is committed to sustainable work principles in their work processes.

Much like suntan lotion, the biggest role that coatings play is to protect other surfaces from weather and wear and tear, while improving their aesthetic. It's much easier to refresh a surface by painting it than replacing it. We're working hard to make our products nature-positive with our extensive range of Eco Choice approved products that help protect and extend the life of the substrates they are applied to, so those precious building materials last as long as possible reducing the rate of replacement.

Eco Choice approved products
Eco Choice Aotearoa

Reaffirming our commitment to the environment... more
Resene Paintwise - return unwanted paint to Resene
PaintWise paint recycling

Paint recovery - reduce, reuse and recycle with Resene Paints... more
Environmental product declarations
Environmental Product Declaration

View the 12 Resene EPDs for paints, prep, stain and clear finish products… more
Resene Eco.Decorators for peace of mind

Environmentally responsible, quality focussed painting contractors... more
Toitu Enviromark
Toitū certifications

Clamping down on carbon / Enviromark Diamond Certification... more
Resene WashWise portable wash system
Resene WashWise

Washwise-ly with Resene WashWise - portable, quick and easy to use... more
New Zealand Green Building Council
NZ Green Building Council

Resene - a Gold Foundation member of the NZ Green Building Council... more
Sensitive Choice - products sensitive to asthma and allergy sufferers
Sensitive Choice

Living with asthma and allergies. A guide to non-medical options... more
Vegan paint options from Resene
Vegan paint options

Choosing a vegan paint is easier than you may think... more
Clicking for green with CarbonClick
Clicking for green

CarbonClick is a Kiwi envirotech company helping to restore our planet... more
Paint it green for World Environment Day
Paint it green!

We're growing a brighter future with Trees That Count... more

Recognized over the years for our commitment to the environment... more

Enviromark is an environmental certification program that helps organisations like Resene develop and improve their environmental management systems (EMSs). Diamond is the highest level of certification and focused on everything from document control, internal audits, management reviews to environmental programmes, training, operational control and more.


Toitu Enviromark diamond

The key elements and achievements for Toitū enviromark diamond certification are that the organisation being certified:

2008 and 2010 Green Ribbon Award
Award Winner
Green Ribbon Award - Category: Innovative solutions for the environments
Resene is a Winner of a Sustainable 60 award
Award Winner
Winner Sustainable 60 awards - Exemplar and Marketplace
Resene won a  Sustainable Business of the Year 2010 award
Award Winner
Resene - Sustainable Business of the Year 2010

The White Roofs Project and how it works

White roofs cools cities and cool the planet

White roofs have been used for thousands of years

New Zealand businesses use white roof to reduce heat loads and save money

Images: Courtesy of White Roofs NZ

Find out more about Resene CoolColour technology

View the habitat magazine article on White Roofs


Make a sustainable choice with Resene


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Colours shown on this website are a representation only. Please refer to the actual paint or product sample. Resene colour charts, testpots and samples are available for ordering online.   See measurements/conversions for more details on how electronic colour values are achieved.

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