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Dealing with graffiti

From the Resene paint and decorating problem solver

You’ve probably seen graffiti or tagging somewhere when you're out and about. It’s the words, colours and shapes drawn or painted on buildings, overpasses, trains and fences and other surfaces. It ranges from simple, one colour nicknames (called ‘tags’) to complex arrangements of several colours. It’s done without permission and it’s against the law.

Graffiti is a blight on our environment and extensive resources are needed to combat it in our communities. Graffiti vandalism or tagging is a community problem that can lower property values and encourage more vandalism and other types of crime. It suggests that the neighbourhood doesn’t care and isn’t able to cope with the problem. Tagging left intact merely attracts more tagging. It’s not ok to look the other way. Together there are things that we can do to significantly reduce graffiti. Take action against tagging – record, report, remove.

A strong community response sends a clear message to those involved in tagging that "We will not tolerate it here!" Many people make a real effort to keep their properties free of graffiti. Be proactive and keep your property clean or report tagging immediately to the appropriate organisation for removal.

Internationally, graffiti or tagging is the most common form of vandalism. Overseas studies have shown that the problem of graffiti, if unaddressed, creates an environment where other, more serious crimes such as burglary and assault may take hold.

South Auckland

Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust (us)
P: 09 269 4080 or 0800 363 824

Central Auckland

Civic Contractors
P: 09 377 7873

North Auckland

Recreational Services Ltd
P: 09 443 5011

West Auckland

Tag Out Trust
P: 09 826 4276

Whangarei District Council

To report graffiti to council, call the Whangarei District Council on (09) 430-4200 (24hrs) where a customer service operator will log the incident and your request for graffiti removal (if required). Private and commercial property owners are encouraged to remove graffiti from their property as soon as it occurs to discourage further graffiti from happening.

Report all graffiti vandalism occurring on Northpower transformers to Northpower directly on Freephone 0800NORTHPOWER (0800 667 847) for removal by their certified contractor.

If your council is not listed, report graffiti to your local council. 

Other resources


View a selection of projects where Resene anti-graffiti systems have been used:


Tag not

With graffiti increasing exponentially in many regions, Resene Uracryl 403 Clear is a popular way to protect surfaces so they can be quickly washed down with Resene Graffiti Cleaner when needed.

Graffiti protection using Resene Uracryl 403 Clear


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