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What is an EPD?

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a certified assessment of the environmental impact of a product, including its packaging. Based on international standards and independently verified, it is widely recognised by industry and governments.

An EPD is a verified, public summary of a product's environmental impact over its life cycle. It documents the impacts involved in:

These impacts cover a range of environmental indicators including the product's potential to emit carbon, pollute air and waterways, and deplete natural resources like water.

EPDs are based on international standards (ISO 14025 and for building materials EN 15804) and are independently verified. This makes them reputable, trusted sources of information. Industries, companies and governments recognise EPDs and often specify their use (e.g. in tender documents and contracts).

EPDs are registered in a central system by an EPD programme and publicly available.

Resene's EPDs (and the underlying Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) are being prepared by ThinkStep ANZ who are based in Wellington NZ and independently verified by Life Cycle Logic in Australia, then registered with EPD Australasia.

What is Life Cycle Assessment?

Life Cycle Assessment quantifies the environmental impacts of your product, service or organisation over its entire life cycle and value chain. It is a science-based, whole-systems approach to understanding and addressing environmental issues.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) measures the environmental footprint of a product or service over its life cycle. For a product, this lifecycle will generally involve:

LCA bridges the gap between complex environmental information (e.g. carbon emissions and waste) and the information the business needs to make decisions (e.g. about market share and product design).

It helps to avoid trade-offs, e.g. reducing the carbon footprint while increasing other environmental impacts such as ozone depletion. It will help you understand the environmental impact of a product or service across its lifecycle so you can manage your business opportunities and risks.

LCA involves four steps. They are based on global standards (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044):

  1. Goal and scope. At this step, the study is confirmed. What product is being measured? Which stages in the product's life cycle? (Manufacturing only? Manufacturing and distributing?) Which impacts are of interest? (Energy used? Chemicals discharged?) Who is interested in the results? How will the results be used?

  2. Inventory analysis. At this step, data is collected data: the flows into the system (e.g. raw materials and energy) and out of the system (the product, any by-products, waste, direct emissions).

  3. Impact assessment. At this step, the impacts are calculated (e.g. carbon footprint).

  4. Interpretation. At this step, the results of the impact assessment are analysed and used to identify ways to improve the business.

Resene AquaClear

Resene Aquaclear
clear waterborne urethane varnish - interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF  |  EPD ebook: single / double

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Colorwood

Resene Colorwood
waterborne clear – flat natural finish

EPD: PDF  |  EPD ebook: single / double

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Limelock

Resene Limelock
cure and seal semi-transparent gloss preparatory coating - exterior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Lumbersider Low Sheen

Resene Lumbersider Low Sheen
waterborne low sheen paint - exterior/interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Lustacryl

Resene Lustacryl
semi-gloss waterborne enamel paint - exterior/interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Quick Dry Primer Undercoat

Resene Quick Dry
waterborne primer undercoat - exterior/interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene SpaceCote Flat

Resene SpaceCote Flat
flat waterborne enamel paint - exterior/ interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen

Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen
low sheen waterborne enamel paint - interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Sonyx 101

Resene Sonyx 101
waterborne semi-gloss paint - exterior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Summit Roof Semi-Gloss

Resene Summit Roof
semi-gloss roof paint - exterior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene X-200

Resene X-200
acrylic weathertight membrane coating - exterior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Resene Zylone Sheen

Resene Zylone Sheen
waterborne low sheen paint - interior - waterborne

EPD: PDF | EPD ebook: (single) | (double)

Data Sheet  |  Label

Thanks to Gayathri, Caroline, Robin and Chanjief of the Thinkstep team, independent verifier Andrew D. Moore of Life Cycle Logic and Kelly of EPD Australasia for their assistance in creating and publishing these EPDs.


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