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Mural Masterpieces - Hamilton Christian School

Best School Mural – Senior | Highly Commended

Mural Masterpieces

Hamilton Christian School mural

1 Micah Place, Rototuna, Hamilton.

Jordyn Farmer, Ben Hunter, Jennifer Tian and William Varley.

Accessible to public:
Yes, in front of school.

Mural theme:
Micah 6:8 – School Mandate.

Background to mural creation:
The new mural was painted by year 13 artists.  The students wanted to portray the school’s mandate – Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with God.  The painting style the students used was inspired by NZ artist Ellen Giggenbach, whose work also spurred the artists to represent the three areas of the school – Senior, Middle and Junior.

The hawk is a symbol of power, strength and broad perspective – having the ability to use intuition and higher vision in order to complete tasks or make important decisions with perspective, patience and insight.

The wood pigeon’s feathers were used in the past to make clocks with.  Therefore, it is the symbol of caring, protection and kindness.

The kiwi is an extremely vulnerable bird.  This quality represents us as God’s people, who know our strengths and our weaknesses.  We rely and depend fully on our Creator in all aspects of life.

Mural theme - Micah 6:8 – School Mandate.


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