From Habitat magazine - issue 13
Self-confessed reality television junkie and business owner Catherine Livingstone was the last woman standing on the recent TV series The Apprentice New Zealand.
I have run a consultancy company called Mission Impossible for the past five years. I take on the ‘to do’ list of busy business owners. Take the stress away by re-organising their businesses, the way they run their admin etc. Many of these people are trying to do too many roles so I show them how they can outsource, or reorganise to make their lives better and their companies run more efficiently.
Everyone who comes to my house says it’s homely. I like my house to look lived in and cosy, to make people feel at home and comfortable. I have old leather couches and paintings that are colourful and abstract, also signs that say ‘indulge’, relax’ and ‘laugh’. I don’t like a lot of black.
Dark royal blue. My eyes are blue, I’ve always been into blue. I love water, so this colour represents a place I like to be the most – in the water, swimming. It’s a colour that has depth but also warmth.
When I decorate I tend to go for earthy and natural colours. I have a photo wall and collect antiques so I need colours that I can put a lot of different items with and which will match a lot of colours – a nice subdued background.
Have those choices changed during the years? If so, what influenced that? I have always liked earthy colours which was perhaps influenced by my mum who was a property developer. She used earthy creams and stone colours, which let anyone who walked into a property feel they could make it their own with accent colours and accessories.
I would never use orange. It’s just not a colour I’m drawn to nor would I ever wear it. It’s funny though, because we used orange on the Resene challenge on The Apprentice.
Resene Jumpstart because it has a rich, leathery feel. Resene Bluegrass because it has an earthy tone but would lift up any room. Resene True Blue because it represents my favourite colour.
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