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From Habitat magazine - issue 10, Diy kidz

Jazz up a plain picture or mirrorframe with painted cut-outs.

Kids diy framing projectFinished Framing Project

You will need:

Step 1Step 1:  Remove the mirror or photo back and glass, then apply the basecoat of paint to the front of the frame. You can either apply a single colour or paint stripes of different colours so you get a number of colours coming through later. If you paint stripes of colours, let each stripe dry before you paint the next.

Step 2Step 2:  Take the Coverseal and a pen and draw some simple shapes on the paper side. We did fish, flowers, leaves, spirals, wiggly lines, hearts and stars. Make sure they aren’t too big to fit on the painted frames. Cut them out carefully.

Step 3Step 3:  Peel the paper backing off the shapes and stick them down on to the frames. On the frame with the lime basecoat, we stuck down some shapes and then painted nother layer of paint, allowed that to dry and then stuck down a second set of shapes to get two colours showing through later.

Step 4Step 4:  Apply the final coat of paint, over all layers of shapes. This will be the main colour that shows. Let this dry properly.

Step 5Step 5:  Peel off the shapes to reveal the colours below! On the mirror, we used craft glue to stick on the jewels for a bit of extra zing. Replace the mirror, insert photos or pictures and backing boards.

Finished projectFinished project: 

Try these colour combinations:

Mirror: Basecoat in stripes of Resene Fast Lane, Resene Charlotte and Resene Art Action Metallic Nitro. Topcoat: Resene Royal Heath.

Single layer frame: Basecoat in Resene Sports Star, topcoat in Resene Lucky Break.

Double layer frame: Basecoat in Resene Lickety Split, middle coat in Resene Parachute, topcoat in Resene Hyperactive.

styling and Words: Helena Dunn
pictures: Mark Heaslip

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