Habitat bright ideas with Fleur Thorpe – DIY projects
Make cute pasta fireflies in your favourite testpot colours, or the glow in the dark version with Resene FX Nightlight. Fleur Thorpe shows you how.
Step 1: Assemble your supplies; you will need some long bamboo skewers, some blanched peanut halves, pasta bow ties, large pasta shells and some small googly eyes. (Photo 1).
Step 2: Start by painting the pasta shells in Resene Meteor (Photo 2).
Step 3: Paint each of the pasta bow ties in your choice of colours. Fleur used Resene Blue Diamond, Resene Bondi Blue, Resene Grapevine, Resene Lip Service and Resene Centre Stage. (Photo 3).
Photo one
Photo two
Photo three
Step 4: To assemble the fireflies, use a hot glue gun to glue half of a blanched peanut to the end of a long bamboo skewer. This is the head. (Photo 4). Fleur left the head unpainted but you could paint it using one of your Resene testpot colours if you wished.
Step 5: Glue the wings (pasta bow ties) underneath the head (Photo 5) followed by the pasta shell bodies. (Photo 6).
Photo four
Photo five
Photo six
Step 6: Finish by gluing on two googly eyes on to the head. (Photo 7). Or you could paint the eyes on using Resene testpots in Resene Black and Resene White.
Top tip: For an alternative finish, instead of painting the pasta shell bodies in Resene Meteor, paint them with Resene White followed by three coats of Resene FX Nightlight, allowing for each coat to dry before applying the next coat. Resene FX Nightlight will give your fireflies a glow-in-the-dark effect. (Photo 8).
Photo seven
Photo eight
Detail - glow in the dark
Project and images by Fleur Thorpe. Jan 2022.
Habitat bright ideas
Need to add colour, pattern or a little creativity to your place? Check out these easy step by step DIY project ideas created in collaboration with Fleur Thorpe. We hope you enjoy making and painting these bright ideas and bringing colour to your home inside or out.