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Long awaited

Resene PaintsAfter a year and a half (should take about four months said the builder) the Disberry home extensions were finally completed.

The 1920s bungalow was typical of the times with poor use of space, an internal bathroom and three tiny bedrooms across the back of the house. So the back came off and they added a family room, two new bathrooms, two new bedrooms and a laundry – plus extended the deck, added a spa pool and an outdoor fireplace… a major job looking back, so no wonder it took longer than the four months!

There was always going to be a lot of colour as the front of the house already sports an orange lounge and red dining room. Mark did all the painting and never dreamed Liz would want to change the colours in all of the old parts bar one as well.

After months of colour charts and testpots, the colours were decided on. Liz ended up making only one further change as she originally chose and bought all paint except for the ensuite for which she wanted to choose the tiles first. Some months later without realising she bought Resene Ash for the ensuite then when it came to the hallway painting she realised she had already chosen Resene Ash for there! So after some quick discussion they decided to keep the centre of the house neutral, so Resene Half Spanish White it became.

The complete colour palette used was: Resene Moroccan Spice in the entry, Resene Half Spanish White in the hallway, Resene Fossil in the family room, Resene Half Concrete in the bathroom, Resene Bubblegum in Lydia’s room, Resene Joss with a feature wall of Resene Felix in the master bedroom, Resene Supernova in the guest room, Resene Wellywood in the office and Resene Tea in the kitchen.

Now all they need is some artwork and some more furniture in the new lounge to complete the picture.


Resene Moroccan Spice on hall and entrance walls

Resene Fossil in family room

Resene Wellywood in office and Resene Bubblegum in girl's bedroom

Resene Tea on kitchen walls

Resene Half Concrete on bathroom walls

Entry Hallway Family room Bathroom Girl's bedroom
Resene Moroccan Spice Resene Half Spanish White Resene Fossil Resene Half Concrete Resene Bubblegum
Bedroom Bedroom feature wall Guest bedroom Offiice Kitchen
Resene Joss Resene Felix Resene Supernova Resene Wellywood Resene Tea
    Resene Ash    

Inspiration gallery 2010
Thanks to the Disberry family of Auckland.



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