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From habitat magazine - issue 16, editorial

There’s nothing quite like getting the creative juices flowing than when you’re confronted with redecorating a child’s room.

Sharon Newey - editor

In the rest of the house, we might play it safe but faced with Timmy’s or Lily’s room, suddenly the colour floodgates open, nostalgia and fantasy take flight.

Well, that’s until you consult the said child and find that they want green, Resene Kermit, as my youngest son announced recently. Gentle guidance into colours like the sophisticated grey/green Resene Linen (which I’ve always loved) or the soft sagey Resene Flourish only met with a look that said, “you’re crazy, mum, they’re not proper greens.” At first I considered painting just his shelves in Resene Kermit but, what the heck, let’s go the whole way. You’re only eight once, and you have to at least admire the strength of his convictions.

If your kids or grandkids are needing a new-look bedroom, we have plenty of colour inspiration and other ideas in "growing up". And at your local Resene ColorShop or reseller you’ll find the Resene KidzColour range which is so vibrant and fun, you’ll want to paint your own bedroom in one of the shades.

Then those colours might turn up in your clothing – as we discovered when we went in search of some people known for their distinctive dress sense in our walls & wardrobes feature in "walls & wardrobes". We also have also discovered some extremely clever and colourful homes this issue – see "take it slow", "back to the future" and "colour craze".

Plenty of inspiration, plenty of ideas, plenty of opportunity to discover your inner child – enjoy and, most of all, have fun!

Sharon Newey editor


Heading into the winter months we start hunkering down indoors. Long winter nights means those walls can really start to close in on you. It’s a great time to splash a touch of colour around – start small and paint a favourite pot or photo frame, then try out a statement wall. You’ll be amazed what a difference you can make in an afternoon and often for less than the cost of a nice dinner out. Unlike the dinner though, you’ll get to enjoy your new paint job for much longer.

Using low-odour fast-drying waterborne paints means you can paint your place quickly and easily, without the hassle and odour of traditional enamel paints. If you’re not sure which colours to choose, try out the free Resene Colour Palette Generator on the Resene website – simply load your favourite photo and it will suggest a colour palette based on the picture. And if you’re lounging around on the couch in a state of indecision perhaps a couple of new cushions from the Resene Cushion Collection is all you need for a quick injection of colour while you contemplate what to do with the rest of the room.

The Resene Team


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