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Jump snakes

Jump the colourful snakes to become the winner in this super fun game.

Resene Ground Games with Mark Rayner - Project 04

You will need: Area of asphalt approx 4.8m x 4.4m (prepped first with Resene Moss & Mould Killer and then water blasted), craft knife, duct and parcel tape, marker pen, paintbrushes, paint tray and roller, Resene Lumbersider tinted to the following colours: Resene Chaos, Resene Fizz, Resene Gobstopper, Resene Grass Stain, Resene Hi Jinx, Resene Kermit, Resene Splish Splash and Resene Surfs Up, Resene Membrane Roofing Primer, old rolls of wallpaper to use as a template, tape measure.

To get the look: Duct tape will help keep the template in position while you're painting the snakes.

Other ideas for play: Play with skipping ropes to make this game even more of a challenge!

Learn how to play

Step 1
Step one
Mask off a rectangle measuring 4.8m x 4.4m using duct tape. Apply one coat of Resene Membrane Roofing Primer and allow to dry.
Step 2
Step two
Apply two coats of Resene Kermit, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 3
Step three
Using our design as a guide, draw out a snake tern plate on three strips of old wallpaper taped together, as shown (don't worry about the head and tail at this point). Carefully cut out with a craft knife and position onto the right hand side of the painted base.
Step 4
Step four
Paint the first snake with two coats of Resene Splish Splash. Move the template across and paint the second snake with two coats of Resene Fizz and the third snake with two coats of Resene Chaos.
Step 5
Step five
Remove the paper template and paint in the heads and tails on each snake, as shown, applying two coats of paint and allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 6
Step six
Paint stripes on the blue snake with two coats of Resene Hi Jinx, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 7
Step seven
Paint circles on the red snake with two coats of Resene Grass Stain, allowing two hours for each coat to dry.
Step 8
Step eight
Paint triangles on the yellow snake with two coats of Resene Gobstopper, allowing two hours for each coat to dry. Paint in eyes and forked tongues on each snake with two coats of Resene Surfs Up.

How to play

Number of players: 2 or more.

Additional equipment: None required.

How to play: Beginning at the start line, the players race each other to jump from side to side over the curves in the snake. Once each player reaches the snake's head they must turn around and jump from side to side all the way back again. First player to cross back over the start line is the winner.

Direction of play

Direction of play for the Jump Snakes Game

Project #4 Game Board

Jump Snakes Game Board
Measurements: Grid squares are 400mm x 400mm

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