Category Archives: DIY/Homeowners Tips and Advice

Oriental or exotic? How to do a home-makeover inspired by these styles

When we think of exotic destinations or calm oriental spots, we may feel a sense of bliss or relaxing vibes. Why not enjoy these sensations every day by giving your home a makeover inspired by these styles?

Here's how to achieve both styles in your interior design.

Oriental: Think Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, China and Japan. 

First of all, embrace patterns. In an essay published by the Department of Asian Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the authors described the Japanese Rinpa style as "vibrant colours applied in a highly decorative and patterned manner" used to decorate not only paintings but also textiles, ceramics and lacquerwares. 

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6 creative ways to make a headboard for your bed

Don't just give your bedroom a run-of-the-mill headboard. Get your DIY groove on and check out these ideas for inspiration for a unique, creative, one-of-a-kind headboard that will be the star of your bedside area. 

1) Old books 

Find a bunch of books that are of a similar size and with equal numbers of pages, preferably with soft covers and no jackets. Open each book to the centre page and lay them in rows as wide as you'd like your headboard to be. Using an old, thin wooden panel as the base, screw down on the spine so each book is attached to the wood. Hang it up behind your bed – bedtime reading just got a whole lot more inspiring! 

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3 funky wall pattern ideas using painter’s tape

Ahh, painter's tape. Ye old' friend of every tradie and any person with a creative bone in their body.

There is so much we can do to our walls using painter's tape, so grab your nearest roll, start peeling away and paint to your heart's content with one of these designs! Make sure you use the low tack version so it's nice and easy to remove once you've finished painting.

1) Cool chevron

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Say ‘ciao bella’ to your home using Italian Renaissance interior design

If you admire the masterpieces that were painted during the Italian Renaissance, here are some fun ways to decorate your home using the styles, colours, patterns and textures of this historic period. 

Step through the front doors into your home full of beautifully detailed floral or gold patterns and feel like you are going back in time to the days of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. 

The wall is your canvas

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8 steps for making your bathroom a relaxing oasis

One of the most relaxing things to do after stepping inside from the bite of the winter cold is to run a hot bath. Bathrooms aren't just a space for cleaning, they can be a room for unwinding and taking a much-needed break.

Whether you like to soak in the tub or get a massage from the burst of water coming out your shower-head, here are eight steps to decorate your bathroom like an oasis of comfort. 

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Make your kitchen a feast for the eyes

It's the space families gather around to share a meal, toast to special occasions, or wish each other a good morning while eating breakfast – so in many ways your kitchen is the heart of your home. Why not decorate the room to be a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach?

These decorating ideas can help make the kitchen into a winning area for lovely family meals and memories. 

Walls to make your mouth water

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Set up a small home gym for those winter workouts!

Winter is coming, and the cold bite in the air can sometimes make us feel like staying indoors instead of heading out for that run. In other cases, we pay huge gym fees and only end up going a few times. 

Does this sound familiar? A simple solution is to convert a small room in your house or even a section of your garage into a home gym.

The perks of having a home gym

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Ahoy! Bring the ocean to your lounge with nautical colours and decor

A lounge is a space for families to relax. It's an area to unwind after a long day's work and put up your feet, or laugh together while you watch TV shows snuggled up on the couch. Because of this, the lounge is in many ways the 'holiday' destination of your house. Immersing it in shades of sea blue and soft, sandy whites can really help create a vacation vibe.

Nautical themes make the space fun, feeling like you are out on the open waters with the sea spray on your face and the wind in your hair. There is something blissful about the combination of blue and white, like being on a permanent holiday near the ocean. So why not turn your lounge into a sailor's dream?

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Turn your kid’s bedroom into a dinosaur dreamland

With the sounds of thunderous roars and booming footsteps, dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago, but they still remain a huge part of our imaginations even today.

Both the young and the young at heart can get excited by a dino-tastic​ makeover for a bedroom. The great news is you can be as big with your design choices as a T-rex or as small as a microraptor. 

For the walls 

For dramatic, wall-to-wall dinosaur coverage, you can opt for this amazing dinosaur mural. It would make a stunning feature wall, showing the majesty of these creatures as they gather around a waterhole with volcanoes framing the background. 

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4 tips for painting a home you are going to sell

When it comes time to sell your home, getting the highest possible price can help you start the new chapter of your life in the best position.

To achieve this, there are a few simple steps you can take. Hiring the right real estate agent is one aspect that can affect the sales price, as well as choosing the most advantageous season in which to sell.

Another important consideration is how you present your home to prospective buyers. From clearing the clutter to adding desirable features, there are many potential actions that could improve the value of a house. One of the most effective of which is painting.

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